Friday, December 23, 2011

Family Blessings

Today my family blessed me.  They celebrated my recent graduation with a meal, and each family member gave me a piece of advice.  They advised me to…
CE: learn to cook many things before I get married.
BR: give guys a “no thank you” date.
CS: eat at least 7 meals a week unless I am fasting.
AN: avoid making big decisions out of desperation.
GB: review any decision I make with the Lord.
GM: be kind.  And also to ask my grandma about everything, because she knows.
CO: make sure he’s the one before you jump the gun.
UA: consider long courtship and short engagement.
DS: avoid perfection.
ML: be a servant to all, especially Jesus.
BJ: lavish my resources on others.

I loved receiving their advice, because I knew they spoke to bring good things into my life and not harm.  Each person also spoke out of their own life experiences and values, mixed with what they know about me as a person.  And they also prayed for me, which was the best of all.  I felt loved.

It didn’t hurt that we ended the evening with a hilarious game of signs, in which my grandpa’s sign was picking his nose with his pinky finger.  This was followed by a cousin dance-off, and much laughter.

Therefore, I am preparing to enter a new year in kindness, serving others, and lavishing my resources.  By God’s grace, eating will continue to come naturally to me, and perfection will be avoided.  I’ll have to keep working on my cooking and carefully handle my decisions.  The dating and engagement advice will have to wait a while longer though.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

From the Bible

1 How the king rejoices in your strength, O Lord!
      He shouts with joy because you give him victory.
 2 For you have given him his heart’s desire;
      you have withheld nothing he requested.
Psalm 21:1-2

I just like these verses.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

For my kids:

Well, no I don't have any of my own kids yet (not even close), but I always find myself thinking about them.  I think of activities that would be fun to do with them, and I think of things I want them to learn, things I want to teach them, and creative ways to help them learn those things that are important.  I've always loved kids.  They are so fun, and when I am with them, my mind is always working.  Life becomes simpler, and I find myself thinking of life in terms of how I could explain it to the kids around me.

What is there to explain, you ask?  There are so many things I learned when I was growing up, but some things I wish someone had explained to me.  And it's not that no one explained it to me, it's just that no one explained it to me in a way that I "got it."  Or I just wish I had "gotten it" earlier.  It feels like life would have been easier or have made more sense if I had just understood sooner.  Or like I would have been able to have practiced more or experimented more effectively with my actions if I had known sooner.

Life is continual discovery.  I always want to keep learning new things, even when I am old.  Perhaps thinking about what I want to teach my kids is just a way that I try to cement the things that I am learning in my own mind.  Because I know that in order to be an effective teacher I must appropriate what I am learning to my own life.

They will have so much to learn, so it is impossible to teach them everything.  Above all, I want my kids to love Jesus!  I want them to learn to follow him in everything, and run to him with every concern.  I want them to experience his peace, love,  and joy just like I do!

In this spirit, posts may follow to explain some of what I want to teach my kids.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

My theory

...or really my passion--I've discovered it!

Families are my passion.  I want to help families be whole and healthy.  I want to help parents raise their kids well.  I want kids to feel loved and invested in by their parents, and to be best friends with their parents, just like I am with mine.  I absolutely love the experience I had growing up in my family.  And I want everyone to be able to say the same thing.

Every family is different, but I think a family is successful when kids feel substantially equipped by their parents, and emotionally close to their parents, so that when they grow up, children and parents are able to relate to each other as close friends, able to mutually encourage each other.  A child should feel that his parents are his most supportive allies.  I believe this kind of encouraging and supportive relationship can be maintained even through developmental years.

I have often tried to put these concepts together in my mind, sort of in search of a theory to neatly summarize what makes a family good.  Here are my thoughts on a few key components:
Consistent time together: families need consistent time spent together to be friends with each other and get to know each other.  The time spent together will foster the most openness and support if vulnerability and value are present in those times.
Vulnerability: mutual sharing of concerns, struggles, dreams, desires.  Sharing the deep places together vulnerably contributes to closeness in a family and enables them to understand one another.  It also leads to opportunities to value each other.
Value: Communicated a number of ways, value is placed on others especially in moments of vulnerability.  It comes through empathy, encouraging words, words of hope about the future, speaking to a person's identity, and also through physical touch and all the other love languages.

Parents are responsible for arranging/requiring consistent times of interaction for the family.  Within those times parents must invite vulnerability and model valuing of family members, and vice versa as well.  Children will grow into these traits as they see them modeled are invited by parents to practice them.

So I realize this post is a little over-enthusiastic and simplistic, but it's a work in progress.  Thoughts?  Additions?