Saturday, January 29, 2011


Hard to believe another year has passed.  I am about to be a new age.  I've always liked my birthday because I like feeling special, and my birthday is a day that's special just for me among my immediate family and friends.  I truly do not envy those who have their birthdays near Christmas, Mother's Day, [Taiwanese] Father's Day, or any other holiday.  Birthdays also bring me to a place of reflection, which I usually savor.  How is my life different now than it was in past years?  What does it feel like to be older?  What did I think this age would be like when I was younger?  What new things have I learned and accomplished?  And what do I think the next year will hold?  Who are my friends?

The reason I ask who my friends are, is because I want to do something special on my birthday.  I don't want to spend it alone.  Wanting things to be special can be problematic though, because there's this whole issue of expectations.  If I want it to be special, but it's not: disappointment.  And who wants to spend their birthday feeling disappointed?  So I find myself both asking and answering the question of who my friends are on my birthday.  First I ask the question for people in my same geographical location, so that I know who to celebrate with.  Then I answer the question by subconsciously keeping track of who remembers or wishes me a happy birthday.  And because I like being remembered and recognized on my birthday, but I know that a lot of my friends just don't have that great of memories for birthdays, I also drop a few hints in the weeks leading up to my birthday.  I've found that I'm a lot more likely to be remembered on my birthday just by giving people the chance to find out my birthday is soon!  I suppose that's a partial strategy for making my birthday more special and less disappointing.

It's pretty selfish!  Why does it matter so much to me to feel special and remembered?  On occasions I've considered what a birthday would be like prior to which I did not drop any hints and instead made it special by planning to bless others in my life on that day.  Maybe it would be better to give on my birthday instead of desiring to receive.  In fact that seems really similar to a Bible verse I've heard...along the lines of "it is more blessed to give than receive."  Why can't I actually believe that?

Do you like to feel special on your birthday?  What can make that day special for you?


  1. Well, it may not be your birthday yet, but I don't want to fail to wish you a happy birthday, and keep that self esteem running high ;-). But really, don't you know your birthday is near the biggest party day of the year? Super Bowl Sunday!! I think it is typical to celebrate big occasions on or near the weekend these days, and after all everyone is partying on the weekend nearest your birthday. Perhaps you could celebrate by cheering for the Green Bay Packers? or even the Pittsburgh Steelers??
    Well, however you celebrate, know that you are remembered all the same...

  2. Ah yes, that would be the packers, since Ryan and Marc are both hardcore fans! Though my boss is a steelers fan...hopefully the office doesn't get too tense.
